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- Viola riviniana. (Dog Violet)
Viola riviniana. (Dog Violet)
A native UK wild flower often seed in hedgerows and wild open spaces. Yet becoming more and more popular as a garden plant for its array of fantastic qualities.
Growing to little more than 5-6 cm tall they create wonderful groundcover, rockery plants, container plants and will even grow in banks, walls, cracks in paths and more.
Tolerant to drought & damp as well as frosts sun or shade and all but extreme soil types and pH.
Tolerant to light traffic and trimming so can grow in grass verges banks etc.
The flowers come out in spring and see us through to autumn. The plant spread by seed so can create a swathe over time which gives an awesome lilac glow. Allow to naturalise amongst your beds and borders for delicate flecks of colour.
Also loved by our bees and hoverflies.
Minimal pest problems
Tolerant to most soil types
Plants will be shipped in a 7cm pot
Upon arrival unpack and water place in a cool semi shady spot to allow to recover from shipping. After a day or two these can be planted out. Dig a hole the size of the pot and fill with water. Sprinkle a handful of slow release food granules into the hole (this is optional but will give the plants an added boost and can be purchased with your order) soak the plant pot and remove the whole plant and its soil in one place directly into the hole back firm and firm in well to ensure their are no air pockets. Water in. Should the weather be hot during planting further watering may be necessary. Otherwise simply enjoy and trim back old flowers head once they have gone over.