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- Soleirolia soleirolii. (Baby's Tears, Mind Your Own Business)
Soleirolia soleirolii. (Baby's Tears, Mind Your Own Business)
Commonly known by many names including baby's tears, or mind your own business, this plant makes an attractive, maintenance-free alternative to ground cover. It will tolerate sun or shade. Frost hardy, its leaves are killed by winter frost, but it will recover to grow vigorously in spring. The masses of tiny leaves clothe slender spreading stems that root as they run, forming a dense deep-pile carpet. As it covers the ground it will run over rocks, fallen logs, and so on, clinging to their shape so the features of the landscape are picked out. Quick to establish, it survives periodic dry spells and recovers quickly afterwards.
Can also be grown as a low maintenance houseplant looking fantastic trailing down pots and baskets.
Works wonders as weed suppressant and reduces water loss to the soil.
Upon arrival unpack and water place in a cool semi shady spot to allow to recover from shipping. After a day or two these can be planted out. Dig a hole the size of the pot and fill with water. Sprinkle a handful of slow release food granules into the hole (this is optional but will give the plants an added boost and can be purchased with your order) soak the plant pot and remove the whole plant and its soil in one place directly into the hole back firm and firm in well to ensure their are no air pockets. Water in. Should the weather be hot during planting further watering may be necessary. Otherwise simply enjoy and trim back old flowers head once they have gone over.